Analytics resources are scarce and the demands on those resources are ever increasing, so it’s critical to have a clear, transparent, and intentional method to source and execute the analytics projects that will secure business value, and, as a result, meet or exceed the expectations of business leaders. A sensible and grounded analytics framework enables leaders to drive innovation and empower teams.
Download this free IIA eBook to gain unbiased insights about seven steps your organization should take right now to secure success in analytics project prioritizations:
Confirm analytics organization purpose to drive effective decision making
Establish business priorities to ensure everyone is clear on what the priorities are and how analytics projects meet those priorities
Build a process for continual alignment so analytics teams can adapt to business changes
Clarify the lines of decision making to secure internal alignment on what the business priorities are and how analytics can help deliver those priorities more effectively
Prioritize analytics priorities in a fluid manner across the business to balance flexibility and structure
Balance resource allocation and add resources when the capacity to act is greater than the capacity to deliver
Clarify success metrics to indicate positive financial results and drive forward momentum beyond target ROI
Full clients of IIA also have access to a comprehensive research brief with actionable insights on developing a framework for deliberate, transparent, and business-focused prioritization. Clients also have direct access to the experts, thought leaders, and practitioners that developed this framework.