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Analytics Leadership Consortium

Join moderated cohorts of analytics executives from diverse industries. Cohorts meet regularly to share and discuss effective strategies and best practices, as well as discover and develop analytics innovation.

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A Unique Approach to Achieving Analytics Leadership

Leading analytics in a large organization is a daunting challenge. Analytics leadership teams need to deliver against massive expectations set at the highest level of the company. These teams are often tapped to find ways to scale beyond successful proofs of concepts or functional analytics. They must deliver enterprise wide analytics capability and typically in companies seriously lacking in analytics maturity or even fundamental analytical understanding.

Because analytics leaders are naturally curious, they tend to research industry best practices along with tools and techniques that may fit with their business. However, most best practices are highly theoretical or suspiciously connected to a vendor solution. Analytics leaders and their teams need a place to turn to for objective truth, insightful feedback from peers and experts, as well as access to topics they should know about but may not yet be fully aware of. Turning to a set of peers for advice and counsel provides validation on the best approach so leaders can move with more speed and confidence in decision-making.

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Get Better Across Analytics,
Year After Year

A Network Powered By Quality & Depth

The Analytics Leadership Consortium (ALC) is a closed network of analytics executives from diverse industries who meet to share and discuss real-world best practices, as well as discover and develop analytics innovation, all to improve their firms’ analytics maturity and secure analytics business impact.

The power of the ALC lies in its simplicity. We, at the IIA, gather smart, ambitious and growth-oriented analytics leaders in a friendly and confidential environment to discuss the most essential analytics knowledge areas. The groups are stable over time and meet frequently, enabling symbiotic and trustful relationships to develop. These relationships create the foundation of transparent sharing and candor filled discussions among peers. These discussions (with the support of outside experts as needed) enable ALC members to work collaboratively, helping each other sharpen strategies and hone tactics, ensuring they can continuously advance their firms’ analytics capability, regardless of size or industry.

Get Actionable Insights

One of the most advanced healthcare companies in the world continues to value the ALC — year after year. Through its involvement in the ALC, the firm has discovered new approaches in tech, AI/ML and model management (among others), saving millions of dollars, and moving faster and further than it could have otherwise. Another large multinational manufacturer used the feedback of its cohort and discussions on org and talent approaches, upskilling and team set-up to ensure its reorg delivered 10X on its initiatives in the first year

Drive Major Initiatives With More Confidence and Speed

The Right Topics Covered At The Right Depth

The mandate of analytics leaders and their teams is broad, whether they own all data and analytics across an organization as well as the tech stack, or whether they have a more concentrated consulting deployment model; analytics leaders need to be knowledgeable (and often expert) across the paradigm of people, process and technology.

ALC members, together with experts and leaders in the IIA community, drive the topics in the ALC agenda. Naturally, these topics have shifted over time, from Single View of the Customer a few years ago to Data Ethics more recently, for example. What remains, however, is a focus on topics both inspiring and actionable, advanced but not theoretical. We cover topics with an emphasis on how does this drive analytics at scale?

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  • Comparative Analytics
  • Organizational Models
  • Team Formations for Advanced Analytics
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  • A Five Point Framework for Data Ethics
  • Methods for Model Management
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  • Migrating to a Hybrid Cloud Environment
  • Deploying Kubernetes Clusters for Analytics

Learn More About Becoming An ALC Member

When you join the ALC, you and your team work together with the right people to explore the right ideas, in the right structure so you and your team can grow your firm’s analytics capability.

To find out more about IIA’s Analytics Leadership Consortium or to schedule a consultation, please contact us here or email