Here is a roundup of interesting sites, resources and articles from around the web, curated by IIA. Follow us on Twitter (@iianalytics) and LinkedIn to receive instant updates on IIA content and curated content as it becomes available.
Featured Article from Analytics Leadership Consortium Newsletter
Each month, IIA’s Analytics Leadership Consortium (ALC) publishes a newsletter featuring reviews of timely and relevant 3rd party articles. Here is one of the articles highlighted in a previous newsletter.
How the Mathematical Conundrum Called the ‘Knapsack Problem’ Is All Around Us
IIA’s article summary:
The knapsack problem is this strange conundrum. It’s easy to understand conceptually, but difficult to grasp in totality. It’s obvious that the more choices you have the harder the problem, but just how much harder is impossible to grasp. This article puts the problem into a cyber security context and the excellent video offers fundamentals around the problem and even some tips on how to code a solution in Python.
IIA recommends:
It’s valuable for those leading data teams to understand some of the classical concepts in math and computing because they remain so relevant.
Knapsack problems and NP (nondeterministic polynomial time) in general will be tested when quantum computing arrives at which point more than a theoretical understanding will be needed.
Even if you don’t have interest in coding, the video on the knapsack problem, up to 12:33 is really useful for seeing why this problem is tough to crack with just small increases in choice.
Featured Articles
The Death of Agile? (O’Reilly)
This interesting article examines the big picture around Agile, and looks at what it means and what it doesn't. Raises some interesting pros and cons.
Why Innovation’s Future Isn’t (Just) Open (MIT Sloan Review)
Good insights on balancing internal and external innovation from MIT Sloan Management Review. Applicable to digital transformation and analytics efforts.
Data Science vs Engineering Tension Points (Domino Data Science Blog)
Good summary of startup panel discussion with insights that apply to enterprise analytics teams and IT. IIA expert Paco Nathan is on the panel.
Star Wars Visualization (LA Times)
Visualizations of all the words spoken in ‘Star Wars' highlighting the most talkative characters.
Star Wars Data Lessons (Andot Blog)
5 Data and analytics lessons we can all learn from Star Wars.
The Simpsons Meet Visualization (Towards Data Science)
An amusing data visualization exercise using data from the Simpsons proves that data can be captured from anything. By Adam Reevesman on Toward Data Science.
Featured News and Information Sites
Provides great research reports and presentations on the technology trends driving disruption in every major industry. Leverages funding data, patent filings, earnings calls, and more to identify unique insights.
Uses statistical analysis and analytics to tell compelling stories about elections, politics, sports, science, economics and other current events.
Featured Resources
Flowing Data explores data visualizations. Includes interesting examples, great tutorials and projects for learning.
OKAI is an interactive visualization that introduces Artificial Intelligence concepts to a broader audience with limited or no background in computer science.
Search and find 3rd party data sources. A great resource for finding and bootstrapping data for analytics projects.
65 Free Machine Learning and Data Books from Springer
Springer has releases 65 free books covering a range of subjects including statistics, analytics, R, Python and machine learning. This post provides a list of titles and links.
COVID19 Resources and Articles
How COVID19 is Changing Analytics Spending (Forbes)
Good overview on a recent study showing the impact of COVID19 on analytics spending from Louis Columbus a Forbes Contributor.
Visualization of Coronavirus Impact on US Search Trends
Interesting Flourish visualization of changing consumer searches as Coronavirus grows in the US. Created by IIA client Ankur Chaudhary at Reckitt Benckiser.
Featured Blog Series
Matt Turck provides great insights and a VC perspective on Big Data, ML and AI trends and developments. Annual Data and AI Landscape is one of the best overviews available.
Gil Press writes about Big Data and ints growing influence on information technology, analytics, business, government and our day-to-day lives. Also includes good insights on COVID19.
About IIA
IIA is the industry’s leading source of insights and advisory services for companies transitioning to data-driven decision-making and advanced analytics. IIA continuously seeks out insights, information and experts to elevate our client’s and our community’s analytics expertise through two service lines. IIA's Research and Advisory Network (RAN) provides clients with access to the world's largest analytics-focused expert network; a resource designed to accelerate analytics teams' progress against their projects and initiatives. IIA’s Analytics Leadership Consortium is a closed network of analytics executives from diverse industries who meet to share and discuss best practices, as well as discover and develop analytics innovation, all for the purpose of improving the business impact of analytics at their firms.