A Community of Practice (CoP) enables individuals to come together to work towards a common goal. Why should you consider starting a CoP in your organization?
To improve analytics activities within an organization by tapping into the energy and passion of individuals around topics, ideas, skills development, and knowledge sharing
To increase opportunities for employees to collaborate, especially across roles and functions
To share and communicate challenges, successes, new approaches for problem-solving, and discover innovative ideas and solutions
To identify unknown pockets of analytics use and expertise
To align activities to a corporate pillar or goal, creating additional attention and effort to a key priority
Besides establishing why you should consider a CoP, this free IIA eBook provides actionable insights on how to start a CoP within you organization, including:
Securing approval and support from business leaders
Suggestions for marketing your CoP internally to maximize interest and momentum
Defining the CoP mission to identify the focus, purpose, value and audience
Designing the CoP’s objectives and activities
Supporting CoP engagement opportunities to benefit the entire enterprise.
IIA RAN Clients also have access to a comprehensive research brief with specific examples of CoP activities and suggestions on how to test and implement different CoP initiatives within your organization. Clients also have direct access to the experts, thought leaders and practitioners that developed this research.
For more, read the blog post “Creating an Analytics Community of Practice”by the author of this eBook and research brief.