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Blog Posts: Methods & Practices

Many times when I speak with analytics managers or business people interested in analytics, they tell me that performing some analytics on data is not the primary problem they have.…
The number of sophisticated cognitive technologies that might be capable of cutting into the need for human labor is expanding rapidly. But linking these offerings to an organization’s business needs…
The fictional crime-solver Sherlock Holmes once referred in a conversation to “the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.” A Scotland Yard detective replied, “The dog did nothing in…
The lines between open source and commercial products are blurring rapidly as our options for building and executing analytics grow by the day. The range of options and price points…
With today’s rapidly changing mix of analytic techniques, toolsets, and platforms, it’s difficult for any organization to be confident it is keeping its analytic workforce and skillsets up to date.I…
It wasn’t long ago that the entertainment industry had virtually no information on the end consumers of its products. A studio would create a television show, which would then be…
It’s pretty clear that smart machines—computers and robots that can digest information, make recommendations and decisions, and take informed actions—are going to be a significant factor in the workplace of…
A few months back I was having a conversation with a colleague of mine, Brad Elo. We were discussing the importance of operationalizing analytic processes and the need for the…
I was recently having a discussion with Richard Hackathorn, an industry strategist & analyst and Dan Graham, a colleague who is deep into my company’s strategy for the Internet of…