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Blog Posts: Technology

What do we call the collection of technologies that make up what we used to call “artificial intelligence?” This conundrum reminds me of a Raymond Carver short story (and book)…
The concept of a blockchain is quite a phenomenon in recent times. It has quickly risen from a relatively obscure idea known mostly within some small circles to one…
For the many years that I have been researching IT, there has always been a clear distinction between certain types of applications. One, for example, distinguished “B to B” (business…
The analysis of Internet of Things (IoT) data is quickly becoming a mainstream activity. I’ve written about the Analytics of Things (AoT) before (some examples here, here, and here).…
Analytics and big data have penetrated most large organizations by now, and are helping to improve many internal decisions. But they can also have a major impact on the decisions…
Among my least lucrative, but most interesting jobs is being a “digital fellow” at the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy. There are often interesting developments happening there on the…
Many organizations today are wondering how to get into machine learning, and what it means for their existing analytics operation.There are many different types of machine learning, and a variety…
While humans may be ahead of computers in the ability to create strategy today, we shouldn’t be complacent about our dominance.“Within the next five years, how will technology change the…
Anesthesiologists’ jobs look safer than radiologists’ jobs. Here’s why.In H. G. Wells’s classic The War of the Worlds, the narrator pauses a moment to rue the fact that he didn’t…