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Blog Posts: Data

THE BIG IDEASAnalytics professionals have different titles but a similar goal: use data to make better business decisions.There are misconceptions about what makes a great analytics professional. The most common…
Unstructured data has been a very popular topic lately since so many big data sources are unstructured. However, an important nuance is often missed - the fact is that virtually…
There is a lot of hype about the new position of “Data Scientist” (see January’s Fortune magazine). I am always happy for analytics professionals to get recognition and excitement about…
Privacy is always a flash point. With the advent of big data, privacy is only going to be even more of a concern. The fact is that many sources of…
A few weeks ago, I attended the Hadoop World show in New York to hear first-hand how organizations are making use of the new technology. In future postings, I may…
Last week in the IIA we did a webcast for our Retail Analytics Research Council on “next best offers.” I’ve been doing some research on this issue with John Lucker…
There is a certain topic that comes up a lot. In fact, I responded to a LinkedIn discussion on the topic just a few days ago. While there are many…
For my first blog posting, I decided to focus on one of the hottest topics in analytics right now: “Big Data”. Big Data is typically defined as very large, newer…
Last week I described five types of analytical organization structures. This week I will describe some research on which ones seem to function best.Last year, my co-author Jeanne Harris and…