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Blog Posts: Plans & Programs

One of the legendary events in the history of analytics was the original Netflix prize. The event led to a terrific example of the need to focus on not only…
Shakespeare once wrote, “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.” But a more likely future is automation. The legal profession has been one of the least aggressive…
Last year I spoke at GE’s “Minds + Machines” event in Chicago. The event was both a product-oriented conference from a leading vendor in the emerging “industrial internet” category, and…
In June, I wrote about the need to fund portfolios of analytics as opposed to individual projects in order to enable analytic innovation. Tied to that theme is a common…
You think big data is big today? Just wait until next year…or the year after that…or the year after that. It is growing exponentially. Whatever seems big now will likely…
I had the opportunity back in June to attend IIA’s CAO Summit in Chicago, where I sat on a panel discussing the topic “Creating an Analytics Culture.” The session was…
INTRODUCTIONBig-thinking gurus often argue that we have moved from the agricultural economy to the industrial economy to the data economy. It is certainly true that more and more of our…
To many, big data feels like the wild west; little or no structure or standards and an unclear picture of how to use the data for analysis. Will there ever…
I wrote a blog for Harvard Business Review recently titled To Succeed With Big Data, Start Small. I argued for the need to take small steps with big data rather…