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Blog Posts: AI

This week, IIA attended The AI Conference presented by O’Reilly Media and Intel AI (#TheAIConf) in New York City. The conference tagline was “Put AI to Work” and it…
Within a two- to three-year span, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has gone from relative obscurity to an extreme level of industry attention and media coverage. As a result, organizations that…
For the many years that I have been researching IT, there has always been a clear distinction between certain types of applications. One, for example, distinguished “B to B” (business…
Among my least lucrative, but most interesting jobs is being a “digital fellow” at the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy. There are often interesting developments happening there on the…
There is a growing crisis in the world of analytics and cognitive technologies, and as of yet there is no obvious solution. The crisis was created by a spate of…
While humans may be ahead of computers in the ability to create strategy today, we shouldn’t be complacent about our dominance.“Within the next five years, how will technology change the…
Anesthesiologists’ jobs look safer than radiologists’ jobs. Here’s why.In H. G. Wells’s classic The War of the Worlds, the narrator pauses a moment to rue the fact that he didn’t…
The number of sophisticated cognitive technologies that might be capable of cutting into the need for human labor is expanding rapidly. But linking these offerings to an organization’s business needs…
It’s pretty clear that smart machines—computers and robots that can digest information, make recommendations and decisions, and take informed actions—are going to be a significant factor in the workplace of…