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Blog Posts: AI

Anesthesiologists’ jobs look safer than radiologists’ jobs. Here’s why.In H. G. Wells’s classic The War of the Worlds, the narrator pauses a moment to rue the fact that he didn’t…
The number of sophisticated cognitive technologies that might be capable of cutting into the need for human labor is expanding rapidly. But linking these offerings to an organization’s business needs…
It’s pretty clear that smart machines—computers and robots that can digest information, make recommendations and decisions, and take informed actions—are going to be a significant factor in the workplace of…
On December 10, I helped facilitate the International Institute for Analytics webinar to announce our analytics predictions for 2015. I will provide additional commentary on several of the predictions that…
After reading the interesting story about Edward Snowden in Wired, and I can’t quite figure out what I think of the man. He seems neither the patriot that James Bamford…
Let’s explore a topic that has the potential to really disrupt the analytics and data visualization space if it comes to fruition. That topic is immersive intelligence, which is a…
Terms come in and out of vogue on a regular basis. In recent years, the use of the term Machine Learning has surged. What I struggle with is that many…
Once a week or so I hear from vendors who are creating the “data scientist in a box.” They say they can use software and hardware to get rid of…