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Blog Posts by Bill Franks

Artificial intelligence has quickly become one of the hottest topics in analytics. For all the power and promise, however, the opacity of AI models threatens to limit AI’s impact…
Artificial intelligence is one of the hottest topics in analytics today. Currently the most popular member of the AI family, deep learning is solving some very difficult problems very…
Any new leader in any field will have to face several challenges in the first few months on the job if he or she is to succeed. On May…
There have been many science fiction stories (as well as video games!) that revolve around the tradeoffs between powerful, strong, hard to harm combatants and those that are small,…
Every individual and enterprise travels a unique journey in the pursuit of analytics. In my case I could never have predicted how my journey would unfold when I first entered…
It used to be that a doctor was a doctor for the most part. Even a century ago, unless you lived in a large city, people likely had a town…
Last month, I wrote about why simply making predictions isn’t enough to drive value with analytics. I made the case that behind stories of failed analytic initiatives, there is often…
In recent times, I have read a number of articles lamenting the frequent lack of value resulting from large scale analytics and data science initiatives. While I have seen substantial…
Most people think that in the age of big data, we always have more than enough information to build robust analytics. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. In fact, there…